Dads to get joint custody even if the mother says no


This is how it should be in the United States:

A new law will for the first time grant single fathers joint custody of their children even if this goes against the mother’s wishes, in an attempt to put an end to bitter legal struggles between unmarried parents.

Until now, single fathers have always had to get the mother’s blessing before they could be granted custody of their kids, a rule that fathers’ organizations have long seen as unfairly weighted against them.

But now new legislation would allow unmarried fathers custody even if the mother is against it. The new law emphasizes that in normal circumstances both parents are to share responsibility for the child, unless this is not in the child’s best interests. 

Unmarried fathers denied joint custody of their children by mothers will in future be able to go to the Youth Welfare Office or appeal directly to the family court. The mother will then be given six weeks to give a statement on the father’s custody application.

If the court does not see any threat to the child’s interests, it will automatically grant the father custody on principle.

Read more here: Dads to get joint custody even if mum says no – The Local.

4 comments for “Dads to get joint custody even if the mother says no

  1. February 12, 2013 at 5:55 AM

    sounds good me, but is it true, and how do they get punished for a breach , because that is not enforced, because its thrown into a pile and a year later is too late

    then loosing my 50/50 Shared family life with my kids any way,,,,, because Mom had more time and money for Alienation… And kids love candy. please sign the petition below

  2. Anonymous
    April 12, 2013 at 1:12 AM

    this is not true. joint custody has recently been outlawed in 47 states of the country due to the hardship of the childship during the process. my son’s father tried to take me to court to recieve joint custody, and my attorney just contacted me today explaining this to me.

    • April 12, 2013 at 2:23 AM

      I hate to disappoint you but, like most of the time, lawyers are feeding people misinformation. Tell him to contact me so I can set him straight. He is not telling you the truth.

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