Halle Berry to pay $16,000 a month in child support to ex Gabriel Aubry


This is FUNNY!!! I woke up to this amazing and hilarious news.

A judge has approved a settlement between Halle Berry and her ex-boyfriend over child support payments for their 6-year-old daughter.

The agreement approved by Superior Court Judge Scott Gordon on May 30 calls for Berry to pay ex-boyfriend Gabriel Aubry $16,000 a month or nearly $200,000 a year to support their daughter. The Oscar-winning actress will also pay for their daughter’s tuition, but the former couple will split health care expenses.

Yes, there are people that play the victim card and the courts have to pummel them into the ground. There are men who won’t stand for the bullsh*t and take on crazy exes in order to be the fathers they deserve to be.

I’ll say it and really don’t care what people think because it is true:

Halle is crazy, the dad deserves to share time with their child and CHILD SUPPORT IS A TOTAL SHAM! Yes, child support is silly, and is based on a standard that rarely is ever exists in 2014. Thank God for that cult that Jessica Valenti belongs to (radical gender feminism). The pendulum is swinging in a direction they never though it ever could.

The order also calls for Berry to pay her ex-boyfriend a retroactive payment of $115,000 and $300,000 to his attorneys to cover the costs of their custody dispute.

Berry and Aubry, a model, were involved in a custody dispute in 2012, and a judge blocked her from moving their daughter to France.

Gordon’s order only affects child support payments.

You want equality? Here ya go. This is how child support works. Man up Halle! Pay your child support and shut up. The kids needs to be fed and the father needs to live in the lifestyle he is accustomed to.

If I were him I’d be getting my nails and hair did.

I’m so glad I don’t pay child support…and never will.

All comments welcome, but it you disagree with anything I say, I will tell you that you are a misandrist, a sexist, a child abuse apologist and I’m gonna tell you to check you privilege.

Isn’t that how radical gender feminists debate in 2014?


1 comment for “Halle Berry to pay $16,000 a month in child support to ex Gabriel Aubry

  1. Juancarlos
    June 10, 2014 at 9:17 PM

    Amen!!!…..to all feminists….since you want equality then equality you shall have…now more than ever I’ll be going to see her movies to make sure she has enough money to pay child support …she wouldn’t want to become a deadbeat mom….would she????….what would the rest of moms say???

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