Problems with being a male

I saw this on a Tumblr page and had to re-blog:

Problems with being a male:

1) Having emotions is seen as weakness
2) Admitting weakness is seen as an even greater weakness
3) Being called a sexual deviant or a pervert because you were expressing your sexuality
4) A girl beating you in any physical competition makes you inferior
5) Being superficial makes you a pig but a woman being superficial is fine
6) Makeup isn’t even an option
7) Not living up to the insanely unrealistic ideal of manhood automatically makes you gay
8) Being gay is seen as weak
9) You can’t control the size of your “manhood”
10) You can’t report sexual assaults because being a male victim is worse than being the rapist
11) No male specific support groups or movements
12) Unequal parental rights
13) Extreme feminists treating you less than human
14) Women can blame all men or say they are all the same but if a man blames women they’re sexist pigs
15) People dismissing your problems automatically because the universe is obviously rigged in your favour in every scenario imaginable
16) No one will read this past the title

Found on this tumblr page:

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