Tag: dad

It’s Time To Push Back Against Feminist Bullies

An excerpt from this article: http://thefederalist.com/2014/11/17/its-time-to-push-back-against-feminist-bullies/ How many times have you heard the line that feminism is simply “the radical notion that women are people”? And when was the last time you thought that sentiment even remotely expressed whatever the h-e-double-hockey-sticks…

How Having a Son Changed Me

I think this woman is a fantastic example of what people are supposed to be – compassionate, of both sexes. This is a feminist mother who isn’t interested in pushing feminist dogma onto her son and training him to be what…

Balancing Acts

I have been fortunate enough to have been a stay at home dad for the past 12 years. I didn’t spend every single day with my kids due to a short period where I chose to live the 9-5 lifestyle…

The Harry Potter Generation

An excerpt from this article: http://thefederalist.com/2014/09/15/the-harry-potter-generation/ Denying that kids do best when both biological parents raise them is not just naïve, it’s cruel and abusive. It doesn’t matter who raises children as long as they have money and basic parenting skills.…

Feminism vs. Truth

Women in America are the freest in the world, yet many feminists tell us women are oppressed. They advocate this falsehood through victim mentality propaganda and misleading statistics, such as the gender wage gap myth. In five minutes, ‘s Christina…

The Father Project

In my research and experience dealing with divorcing couples, whenever a woman has major issues with men, there are usually issues with the woman’s father and her relationship with him. It’s important that people make amends and deal with those…

Dad’s Don’t Get Work-Life Balance Empathy

An excerpt from this article: http://www.timsackett.com/2014/08/08/dads-dont-get-work-life-balance-empathy/ Friends and colleagues often ask my wife how she balances her job and motherhood. Somehow, the same people don’t ask me.” When we talk about ‘inclusion’ we aren’t really talking about everyone. That’s the…

Why fathers still matter

An excerpt from THIS article: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2014-06-25/opinion/ct-oped-fathers-0625-20140625_1_father-single-moms-terry-crews Take the sentence “there are some things only a mother can provide.” Does anyone disagree with that? You say “nurturing,” everyone nods. You say “unconditional love,” everyone nods. But try saying that sentence about a…

Happy pre-Father’s Day!

I could save this for Sunday but this is what life is all about. Kids need their mother AND their father.

For all of you reading this who are pissed off at your ex for whatever reason, your children aren’t. They will always be in a search for the other half of their DNA in one way or another if one half isn’t a constant presence in their lives.

The good thing about this video is that these parents are working together.

If you aren’t able to do what you see in this video, find a way. Separate your pain from your child’s need for balance.

I could go on and on and on, but you can visit by blog or call me on the phone for more reasons why fathers matter.

Happy pre-Father’s Day!


Mass Incarceration

#yestoomanybrownMEN Hashtag activism is futile. Real activism has been taking place on the streets, in city council and in the state legislature. It also takes place in the HOME. Children do best with their fathers IN THE HOME..not in the…

Get Up, Stand Up!

BY MICHAEL COREN ,QMI AGENCY An excerpt from THIS article: http://www.torontosun.com/2014/05/08/its-time-to-stand-up-for-mens-rights What I encountered was evidence of a campaign to discredit men and a legal and sociological campaign to remove their rights as husbands and partners and, in particular, fathers. I’m…

The World’s Toughest Job

Here is a different take on that silly viral video that was an advertisement for greeting cards…a thing that I DETEST anyway.

Motherhood is NOT the most difficult job. It’s not even a job. Neither is fatherhood. The thing is, parenting is not a job at all. It has some things in common with a job, but it’s a whole different thing altogether. As parents, we don’t get paid, we can’t quit if we get angry or pissed off, we can’t look around for better parenting jobs, we can’t sue our employer. In fact, we don’t even have an employer! We don’t have the option of not taking our work home with us when we don’t want to, we don’t receive any training, etc.

So to start with, the whole idea of parenthood being a job is nonsense from the beginning. Then, to go on and on with exaggerating the amount of work and expertise needed to be a parent, it not only creates guilt on the part of parents, it also makes it seem like the best parents are the ones who treat their kids as helpless and endangered for as long as possible. The quicker we raise self-sufficient, self-reliant human beings, the better. It is better for parents, better for children and better for society in general.

I can see through the nonsense of bullshit advertisement schemes and I hope that you do too in the future.