Category: Society

Harassing Free Speech

Take some time to read the article below and also watch THIS video. There are some truly disturbing things happening on our college campuses: U.S. rule makes every student a sex harasser MAY 11, 2013 BY JOANNE John asks Mary…

The Female Child Molester

Wow! Imagine if this were a male teacher. The New York Daily News reported: A California high school teacher has been busted for underage sex – just days after giving birth to a baby allegedly fathered by her student lover.…

No One Can “Have It All”

I found a great article in the latest issue of Esquire Magazine called WHY MEN STILL CAN’T HAVE IT ALL written by Richard Dorment. “Lately, the raging debate about issues of “work-life balance” has focused on whether or not women can “have…

Dr. Murray Strauss

Dr. Murray Straus [youtube] Murray Straus University of New Hampshire Women hitting men In 1968-69 and 1970-71. I found something that I just ignored. I was so focused on the issue of wife beating, and the feminist perspective of…

Rape Culture?

I found an interesting article on Slate the other day. I’m curious to hear your thoughts My bad sex wasn’t rape The outcry over a recent “Girls” episode startled me. What happened to a woman’s sexual agency? BY ANNA MARCH Defining…

How Not To Prevent Rape

For some reason, feminists have it in their mind to have their own Todd Akin moment. First there was Senator Evie Hudak chastising a rape survivor by telling her that if the woman had a gun when she was attacked it would…

Work-Life Balance

Two high-powered women in tech — Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg — are leading the debate about women, equality in the workplace and work-life balance. This week on New Tech City, WNYC reporter Anna Sale talks to women in…

Women Who Make America

MAKERS: Women Who Make America tells the remarkable story of the most sweeping social revolution in American history, as women have asserted their rights to a full and fair share of political power, economic opportunity, and personal autonomy. It’s a revolution that has…