Tag: african uber driver

Uber bans rider for life over threat to accuse driver of rape

I read about this yesterday. I saw the entire video too.

I had basic training with people like this 8 years ago. I won’t ever let this kind of rubbish ever happen to me again. I have cut people out of my life who were close to me without a care for things like this. I’m much more cold than I ever thought I could be. Yeah…cold blooded. I wouldn’t think twice about cutting someone off who was acting like this. Especially if I didn’t even know them.

I would have handled this situation like the driver, but would have stopped trying to be rational with the passenger. I would have gotten out and called the cops as soon as the screaming started.

I see this kind of madness coming from a million miles away. It’s really easy to spot for me. I avoid it now.

Nah bruh… ain’t nobody got time for this.

No me at least.

Good riddance. Hey lady, get a subway token and visit your boyfriend on our wonderful clean, subway that can get you everywhere you need to go.

The young Bronx woman who threatened to call police and falsely accuse an Uber driver of rape has been banned from the app for life, a spokesperson says.

Dash-cam footage, which was posted online this week, showed the female passenger furiously accosting the male driver for nearly 9 minutes — even going so far as to say “Donald Trump going to send you and your family back [to your country].”

“The behavior in this video is abusive and completely unacceptable,” an Uber spokesperson said in a statement.
