Tag: American Men Have No Reproductive Rights

American Men Have No Reproductive Rights


An excerpt:

Our society is not encouraged to overcome the stereotypes that ridicule men. This may be part of a strategy. Those who wish to put down men with old-fashioned stereotypes, such as that men only want women for one thing and will readily engage in the sex act with any stranger, may be putting men down just so they will lose children in divorce court and have to pay. This brings up an interesting point: while the nation is encouraged to dismiss stereotypes about women, such as that they cannot make responsible decisions or hold demanding executive jobs, when it comes to reproductive rights the stereotypes that men can’t control their sexual impulses and that they should have to pay for everything are stereotypes that are reinforced and perpetrated with glee.

The stereotypes against men merely serve to deprive them of reproductive rights. Women are not naturally better at nurturing, we are told. This stereotype is refuted to support the idea that there is no reason that married men can’t help take care of the kids. But judges usually think children are better off with their mothers. Unless, of course, the man who wants custody is in a same-sex marriage and wants to adopt. Then, somehow, a nurturing male is a possibility that should be seriously defended.

Another major stereotype that interferes with men’s reproductive rights is that men are naturally violent. This enables judges to quickly approve of “temporary restraining orders” and “orders of protection” against husbands. All the wife has to do is allege in court that she is “afraid” that the husband may strike her. And this TRO is granted even if the husband has absolutely no history of violence.

These three stereotypes, that 1) men don’t want to take care of children and are only interested in sex, 2) that men are defined by society as the wage earners, and 3) that men are naturally prone to domestic violence, are used by women and their lawyers to continue the abuse of fathers and deprive them of the affection of their children. In brief, men are selfish, violent, uncaring brutes naturally unfit to be fathers. How convenient to the family court system, and to women who want custody and the house.

And women complain that they alone have to battle against stereotypes. The anti-father stereotypes don’t matter as long as the stereotypes are used to get custody of the children, monthly child support, alimony checks, and the house to the ex-wife.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/08/american_men_have_no_reproductive_rights.html#ixzz3ihs6RTVC
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