Tag: dads


A growing number of children are being raised without the benefit of meaningful engagement with both parents. As contemporary research conclusively demonstrates, a child who effectively loses one of his or her parents through a custody decision, usually the father,…

Instant Custody

If you knew that you would automatically get custody and not have to pay child support and/or alimony, would you be more likely to file for divorce if you were really unhappy in your marriage or relationship? Let me guess…

The Birds & The Bees | Ep. 7 | Fatherhood

Bryan Cranston, Rainn Wilson, Kevin Bacon, Mike Meyers, Jerry Stahl, Tim Robbins, Phil Rosenthal, Joshua Malina, and Stephen Moyer discuss when to have “the talk” with your children.

About ‘Fatherhood’: Hank Azaria’s touching, humorous, and often enlightening journey from a man who is not even sure he wants to have kids, to a father going through the joys, trials and tribulations of being a dad.

Being a Kid With Your Kid | Ep. 4 | Fatherhood

Hank Azaria gets to the bottom of the age-old question: Can you be a friend AND a parent?

About ‘Fatherhood’: Hank Azaria’s touching, humorous, and often enlightening journey from a man who is not even sure he wants to have kids, to a father going through the joys, trials and tribulations of being a dad.

The Good Enough Parent | Ep. 3 | Fatherhood

Learning that it’s OK to make mistakes isn’t easy. Watch as Hank Azaria talks to friends and experts about getting through it all.

About ‘Fatherhood’: Hank Azaria’s touching, humorous, and often enlightening journey from a man who is not even sure he wants to have kids, to a father going through the joys, trials and tribulations of being a dad.

Let me just add this. The story about the subway at around 2:40 is one of my WORST nightmares. Fortunately it has never happened to me:


Standoffs and Tantrums | Ep. 2 | Fatherhood

Hank Azaria discovers parenting is not for the faint-hearted as he navigates the terrible three’s.

About ‘Fatherhood’: Hank Azaria’s touching, humorous, and often enlightening journey from a man who is not even sure he wants to have kids, to a father going through the joys, trials and tribulations of being a dad.

Feminism 2.0

She needs to remove the label “feminism” and just call it something else. The word feminism has been too tainted and still is associated with people who only care about women. It has very little if anything to do with equality. If it did, feminism would do their best with updating domestic relations law and reforming family courts all across America.

And what is the deal with men needing to be civilized? That needs further explanation:

We hear it all the time: “America is patriarchal!”, “American women are oppressed!”. Well, a lifelong feminist and former National Organization for Women member, Tammy Bruce, is tired of hearing it–and she has a solution laid out in our newest video: Feminism 2.0. One that tells women that they should be proud to act feminine. One that tells them that simply copying men and masculine traits is actually demeaning to women. One that honors all responsible choices, including becoming a wife and mother.

The marriage crisis

If people only knew how horrible divorce REALLy is, there wouldn’t be so many of them: An excerpt from this article: http://www.ledger-enquirer.com/2014/02/01/2928280/the-marriage-crisis.html Marriage in America is disintegrating. According to the Census in 2013, only 48 percent of Americans were married —…

How Your Dad Determines Your Adult Relationships with Men

Father matter…for boys AND for girls. An excerpt from this article: http://www.itscheating.com/relationships/how-your-dad-determines-your-adult-relationships-with-men/ Psychologists traditionally focus on the mother/child relationships and mostly ignore fathers, especially the father/daughter relationship. However, new research is increasingly concluding that fathers greatly influence their daughter’s self-esteem,…

Divorce Corp Reviews…so far

“Any divorce survivor will see rueful reminders of a destructive process. Any engaged couple should see it, period….” – Colin Covert Minneapolis Star Tribune

“Documentary tackles the divorce industry with the same zeal as the lawyers it rebukes….” – Eric Monder  Film Journal International

“Infuriating, but lacking the balance to be the take-down of a corrupt system that it claims to be….” – Roger Moore McClatchy-Tribune News Service

“After you see this entertaining documentary, you will be depressed about the U.S. divorce industry and may vow never to get married or have kids…” – Harvey S. Karten Compuserve

“The feel good movie of the year!!!” – Clayton Craddock The SoCraddock Method



Deadbeat Parents? State-Mandated Child Support Hurts The Ones It’s Supposed To Help

An excerpt from this article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ellen-kellner/deadbeat-parents-stateman_b_2839817.html By Ellen Kellner – Mindful thinker and author of ‘The Pro Child Way®: Parenting with an Ex’ Divorce attorneys are familiar with the child-support focus of their clients. “It’s the elephant in the room”, says one Palm Springs attorney who is…

Fatherlessness Begets Fatherlessness

An excerpt from this article: http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303433304579304493099001588?mod=WSJ_Opinion_MIDDLETopOpinion The Moralistic Fallacy – by JAMES TARANTO How value judgments cloud social thought. It may be true that fatherlessness begets fatherlessness, but widespread illegitimacy is a recent phenomenon whose ultimate causes demand inquiry. In his landmark…