Tag: feminism

Women against #WomenAgainstFeminism

An excerpt from this article: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-debate/women-against-womenagainstfeminism/article19970342/ Do we still need feminism? According to many younger women, we do not. For the past few weeks, a Tumblr hashtag campaign called #WomenAgainstFeminism has been stirring up a lot of angst in the Twitter/blogosphere.…

Dad’s Don’t Get Work-Life Balance Empathy

An excerpt from this article: http://www.timsackett.com/2014/08/08/dads-dont-get-work-life-balance-empathy/ Friends and colleagues often ask my wife how she balances her job and motherhood. Somehow, the same people don’t ask me.” When we talk about ‘inclusion’ we aren’t really talking about everyone. That’s the…


I wish all feminist thought like this. From this post: http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/lax/55453552.html It’s true. I don’t do anything like a normal feminist lesbian would. And I AM A FEMINIST LESBIAN. First: I like men. I like men so much it’s pathetic. I…

The Feminist Leader Who Became a Men’s-Rights Activist

An excerpt from this article: http://m.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2014/06/the-now-president-who-became-a-mens-rights-activist/372742/ DeCrow raised eyebrows in 1981 when she served as defense counsel to Frank Serpico, the former New York detective and whistleblower, in a paternity suit. Serpico claimed the plaintiff had used him as a…

Bearded Feminazis vs Bras, Backbones, and Brains!

An excerpt from this article: http://www.libertyjuice.com/2014/04/24/bearded-feminazis-vs-bras-backbones-and-brains/ Progressives, especially those among the feminists camp, have spent decades clawing at their (bare…hairy) chests while screaming that men don’t have a right to tell them what to do with their bodies. Conservative men, as…

Modern feminism has got it wrong about men

Today’s feminism teaches women to see themselves as victims and men as perverts, bullies and misogynists, says Natasha Devon An excerpt from this article: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/thinking-man/10831043/Modern-feminism-has-got-it-wrong-about-men.html Today’s feminism teaches women to see themselves as victims and men as perverts, bullies and…

Stop Hanging Out With Women and Start Dating Them

An excerpt from this article: http://www.artofmanliness.com/2008/01/16/stop-hanging-out-with-women-and-start-dating-them/ Over the past few years, many social observers have noted that young adults are dating less. Instead, dating is being replaced by “hanging out” with members of the opposite sex. Dating and hanging out…


Tip of the Week authored by Brett A. Sokolow, J.D., ATIXA Executive Director Okay, so I’m all fired up again. In the last two weeks, I’ve worked on five cases all involving drunken hook-ups on college campuses. In each case,…

Patriarchy? WHAT Patriarchy?

By Ron Collins: Does anyone ever really examine on its merits this claim that society is male-dominated, or that females are at some kind of systemic disadvantage? From where I sit, this mantra of 21st century middle-class life seems to…

When Men Are Raped

For some kinds of sexual victimization, men and women have roughly equal experiences Photo by Thomas Northcut/Thinkstock By Hanna Rosin – an excerpt from this article on Slate: http://www.slate.com/articles/double_x/doublex/2014/04/male_rape_in_america_a_new_study_reveals_that_men_are_sexually_assaulted.html Last year the National Crime Victimization Survey turned up a remarkable…

Get Up, Stand Up!

BY MICHAEL COREN ,QMI AGENCY An excerpt from THIS article: http://www.torontosun.com/2014/05/08/its-time-to-stand-up-for-mens-rights What I encountered was evidence of a campaign to discredit men and a legal and sociological campaign to remove their rights as husbands and partners and, in particular, fathers. I’m…

The World’s Toughest Job

Here is a different take on that silly viral video that was an advertisement for greeting cards…a thing that I DETEST anyway.

Motherhood is NOT the most difficult job. It’s not even a job. Neither is fatherhood. The thing is, parenting is not a job at all. It has some things in common with a job, but it’s a whole different thing altogether. As parents, we don’t get paid, we can’t quit if we get angry or pissed off, we can’t look around for better parenting jobs, we can’t sue our employer. In fact, we don’t even have an employer! We don’t have the option of not taking our work home with us when we don’t want to, we don’t receive any training, etc.

So to start with, the whole idea of parenthood being a job is nonsense from the beginning. Then, to go on and on with exaggerating the amount of work and expertise needed to be a parent, it not only creates guilt on the part of parents, it also makes it seem like the best parents are the ones who treat their kids as helpless and endangered for as long as possible. The quicker we raise self-sufficient, self-reliant human beings, the better. It is better for parents, better for children and better for society in general.

I can see through the nonsense of bullshit advertisement schemes and I hope that you do too in the future.