Tag: socratic method

A Tsunami Of Family Breakdown

Tell me, how is this good for any society? Britain’s 130,000 estranged fathers Study reveals one in eight divorced fathers has lost all contact with their children From this article in The Telegraph: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/10461291/Britains-130000-estranged-fathers.html One in eight divorced or separated fathers…

A real man does what?

Um. no…A real man won’t not allow himself to get sucked into a system that takes advantage of his gender. A real man will not allow a woman to just up and leave with the children he helped create. Remember,…

Black Women Ain’t WHAT?

I am the first one to say that ALL black women ain’t sh*t…or even that any other type of women fall into this category. While I don’t agree with sweeping generalizations and the way she presented her thoughts, a lot…

The Male Birth Control Pill

I was researching information about the male birth control pill and ran across this great post. They touch upon several issues. I think more needs to be said about this. What would really happen if there was male birth control…

The Importance of Dads

Sarah Berry Life & Style reporter-Sydney Morning Herald Sadly, not enough dads realise the impact they have on their daughters’ lives. One study found only 30 per cent of fathers believed that active involvement in their daughter’s life was vital…

The Epidemic Of Male Suicide

Suicide among males is four times higher than among females and represents 79% of all U.S. suicides. More people now die of suicide than in car accidents, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2010 there were…