

#Equality – A short film by Neel Kolhatkar
Neel Kolhatkar
Caitlin Burley insta – cait.bonnie
Josh Wade

Written by Neel Kolhatkar
Directed by Neel Kolhatkar
Produced by Conceptional Media
Cinematography by Tim Mann
Edited by Adam Krowitz
Sound Design by Can Okan

Tickets to Shows:…
Instagram: @neelkolhatkar
Vine: Neel Kolhatkar

Music: Darkest Child – Mysterious & Creepy Music (Kevin MacLeod)

Sexual Assault – Double Standard

It looks like sexual assault to me!


Two women are accused of sexually abusing a man inside a gas station, and police say they have made one arrest. Surveillance video captured the women “twerking” and touching the man– and that victim is now speaking out to FOX 5.

The man, who has asked not to be identified, said he was getting gas at the Shell station in the 1700 block of New York Avenue NE on October 7 around 4 p.m. when he was attacked. The video shows the women coming over to the man, and then they are seen twerking and groping him. The man said the suspects also flashed him while he pumped gas and followed him as he called police.

“You don’t know who these people are. I was afraid of my safety. Like I said, I thought they were either transvestites, or women, or men dressed like women,” the victim said.

According to the victim, he asked the cashier for help, and the man behind the counter told him, “What do you want me to do?”

The victim said there were men outside of the gas station who he believed to be pimps, and he was concerned about what would happen to him if he acted in self-defense.

“And then, when I had the idea that they were women, I thought they would have a pimp who was pushing them to be prostitutes who could have been outside with one of the gentlemen that were out there watching and witnessing, could have been with guns to come and shoot me. I did not want to be shot that day,” the victim said.

The victim said he is a teacher and does not want to show his face because of the backlash he has received on social media for filing a complaint.

Police arrested 22-year-old Ayanna Marie Knight of Las Vegas on Tuesday. She is facing a third-degree sex abuse charge. The other suspect has not been caught.

No rational reasons to oppose feminism? – By Jack V. Butler Jr.

No rational reasons to oppose feminism? – By Jack V. Butler Jr. – a comment found on Facebook.

This video and the explanations below are a few of the many, many reasons why I am 100% opposed to the ideology of modern feminism and everything that it represents.

Jack’s comment was written in response to this ridiculous video.

These women actually wonder why so few women want to be associated with a cult like theirs? Good grief:


No rational reasons to oppose feminism? – By Jack V. Butler Jr.

How about we start with the fact that some feminists really do advocate the systematic death (or at the very least, mass castration) of the entire male gender, and the mainstream, moderate, reasonable portions of feminism either make excuses for these women at worse, and simply ignore, tolerate them at best rather than speak out against these bigots?

How about the fact that the modern feminist movement has a history of marginalizing women of color, transwomen, poor women, and any woman who chooses to be a stay-at-home mom rather than seeking out a career outside the home?

How about the fact that it has been absolutely proven that feminist academics have purposely distorted data in order to meet the ideological ends of the movement? For example, one feminist sociologist who quoted a study on domestic abuse utterly ignored the studies findings that men were abused just as often by their female partners as the women studied were abused by their male partners. And this was only one person; there have been dozens of similar cases. By ignoring and covering up the truth regarding legitimate research in such a manipulative and cynical fashion, they not only have thrown doubt on the legitimacy of feminism, they’ve also dishonored themselves as scholars and scientists.

How about the fact that, even worse than the previous reason, on occasion feminist academics have simply fabricated studies whole out of the cloth. The best example is the “Superbowl Rape Day” myth that claimed that more women were raped and battered on Superbowl Sunday than on any other day of the year. When the facts of this myth were checked, it turned out that the “study” on which this myth was based was entirely fictional. No such study was ever concluded. In addition, when further investigated, it was found that the source of this myth was actually a feminist group in the Denver area, who apparently just made it up out of thin air.

How about the fact that feminists have purposefully impeded research studies that showed that feminist ideology had little to no relationship with reality? They did this by harassing researchers, making death threats to both the researchers and their families, organizing protests, lobbying to have research funding cut in areas the feminists did not approve, and otherwise make things difficult for the researchers. Studies into female perpetration of domestic violence and rape are particularly favorite targets for this sort of action.

How about the fact that, when they tried scaring off and interfering with the researchers mentioned in my last paragraph, and failed to keep the scientists from completing their study, they would then go into action to make sure the results of the study were either drowned out before it could reach mass media attention, or else was outright suppressed by legislation and public censorship?

How about the fact that feminists continue to spread myths and lies that even they know have been long shown to be false, despite the fact that they know damned well that what they are spreading is bullshit? I’m talking about things like the wage-gap myth, or the “only 2% of rape accusations are false” myth, or the “women only batter men in self-defense” myth, or the “rule of thumb” myth. They know that these things are utterly untrue and have been proven utterly untrue, but they spread these lies intentionally anyway because doing so helps the cause. Even when presented with conclusive evidence that they are promoting bullshit, feminists refuse to back down from it.

How about the fact that feminists discuss boys as if they were animals in need of training, but speak of girls as if they were precious gems that need to be protected? Girls are treasures, boys are a threat.

How about the fact that feminists abandon any pretense at fairness or equal treatment when it comes to the rule of law by advocating insane, discriminatory laws and practices that actively benefit women (and women only) and actively harm men (and only men). They have pushed for laws that utterly remove Constitutional protections and void due process for men accused of rape or domestic violence. (Note: not “convicted of rape or domestic violence”, accused.) They advocate for laws such as the Violence Against Women Act, which not only treats men in a prejudicial and discriminatory fashion, it ignores the fact that men are the majority victims of violent crime in the United States.

How about the fact feminists claim that their movement is both a “woman’s movement” and a “movement for gender equality” without any awareness of the inherent contradiction in those claims?

How about the fact that feminists claim that their movement is “the only equality movement we need,” but when pressed to address some male-oriented gender issues, refuse to do so because “men should create their own movement to address those problems.” That would be the same movement they previously said was unnecessary because feminism was “the only equality movement we need.”

How about the fact that, when men do go ahead and create their own movement to “address those problems”, the feminists immediately label such a movement as misogynist, hateful, and harmful to women?

How about the fact that feminists constantly equate an opposition to feminism with an opposition to women, when the truth is that “feminism” does not equate to “women”? (One is a political movement, one is a human demographic.)

How about the fact that feminists use obvious fallacy and bad logic to ignore any evidence presented that men are often just as oppressed in our modern society as women are, but in different areas and in different manners?

How about the fact that, most frequently, the response feminist give to honest criticism isn’t an honest reply, but rather a shaming tactic meant to silence the critic without having to deal with the points they bring up?

I don’t know… the more I think about it, the less I think feminism is salvageable. It may be time for “rational” feminists to abandon the movement to the fringe wackadoos and start something new that isn’t tainted by the sexist bullshit of the loud-mouth man-haters.

But I think I’ve shown that there are, in fact, rational reasons to oppose feminism.

And opposition to feminism isn’t misogyny. Its just opposition to feminism.

Angry feminist attacks Dr Umar Johnson in public

This interesting interaction between Dr Umar Johnson and a feminist in Kansas City was interesting to observe. It also gives us a lot to talk about when it comes to being able to draw a line between advocating for the black family vs. being anti-gay or homophobic.

The discussion is important for black people in terms of helping us to learn what role we as a community can and should play in the debate over women’s rights, gay rights and everything else. Rather than attacking the black community for not being in alignment with whites, it might be best for us to determine our own position.




What’s Sexy?

What measures the intricate inner workings of lovers in love, as well as lovers that stray, and dares to suggest that we are a lot less in control of love than we may think. You’ll see what can transform the ecstasy of love into a cocaine-like addiction and you’ll learn what draws men to women and whether a “family guy” or a “hunky action hero” is more of a natural match.

If you ever wondered what it is that makes men go ga-ga over female curves, or why women swoon over a masculine face, National Geographic has come up with the series to examine the science of love. That doyen of documentary-makers has upped the ante to give the low-down on love, tracking what it is that make men and women attracted to each other.

Sniff out a potential mate? Look out for signs of the perfect one? You will be surprised to find out your physical senses are very much involved in tracking down your significant other. This may help to explain why some people “click” from the first moment of attraction, and what helps them to decide to bond with that special man or woman to settle down and raise a family.

Suddenly, the phrase “love at first sight” takes on a whole new meaning. In the series, the game of attraction is examined with a scientific eye. Researchers with impressive-sounding resumes who have made it their life’s purpose to study the game of love produce results from brain scans and sniff tests to tell you the difference between lust and love.

And you can be certain that all the information you have just heard is no hocus-pocus. After all, the good people at National Geographic guarantee that the facts which are presented are verified by their fact-checkers, before it goes on air. The series is worth watching for its invaluable nuggets on what makes us tick when love, or lust, calls.

Watch the full documentary now:

#BlackLivesMatter and Hillary Clinton

I like the Clintons as much as I like the Underwoods from the show House of Cards on Netflix. The Clintons are opportunists and will do and say just about anything to get elected. The things Bill Clinton and his administration did in the 90’s were flat out despicable. The changes in the criminal justice system were deplorable. Read about it HERE and HERE

I hate to say it, but in this case Hillary is right with her response.

In the end, the civil rights movement changed laws. The women’s movement changed laws. The gay marriage movement changed laws.

What law do they want changed or enacted?

Screaming BLACK LIVES MATTER, disrupting traffic, taking the mic away from a feeble old jewish man is doing nothing but whining. Every successful movement went after the state legislatures, the courts and the US Congress.

Name one movement that just screamed and yelled and achieved success? Occupy Wall Street? What happened to them?

Nice slogans and all, but nothing has changed with the 99%.

I suggest maybe we change the laws back to the pre-Clinton era, or amend the ones we have now…but…whatever we do, please DO NOT ALLOW HER AND HER HUSBAND ANYWHERE NEAR THE WHITE HOUSE AGAIN!

They will only do more damage than they already have done.

Who’s Lying, Who’s Self-Justifying? Origins of the He Said/She Said Gap in Sexual Allegations


The Woody Allen sex scandal of 2013 triggered a national conversation on who to believe, with people lining up on each side as if they knew what really happened. Based on recent research on how people navigate the often tricky waters of sexual negotiation, Dr. Carol Tavris shows that it is entirely possible in some sexual assault cases neither side is lying, but instead both sides feel justified in their positions. This talk was considered one of the best ever given at The Amazing Meeting.


As if teachers’ jobs aren’t hard enough, they’re asked to fix poverty, too

Big ideas in public education, such as the Obama administration’s Race to the Top and Teach For America, often say teachers could improve inequality. Dana Goldstein, author of The Teacher Wars, sat down with us to explain why this is magical thinking that’s been around since the 1800s.

For more on public education reform, Goldstein also contributed a feature to Vox on how Teach For America is starting to seriously reform after 20 years of criticism.…

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90% of men around the world say that their caring side is part of their masculinity and strength. Let’s acknowledge the caring side of men and celebrate their #RealStrength as a true sign of masculinity.dove

Sexual assault myths: Part 1

We don’t live in a rape culture, but we do inhabit a culture saturated with gender propaganda. Call it a Ms.Information culture. And nowhere is Ms.Information more rampant than in the area of sexual assault. On this week’s episode of the Factual Feminist: The two biggest myths about women and sexual violence: