Category: Society

Student activist Annie Teriba to resign from political campaigning

  An excerpt from HERE: Annie Teriba, prominent student activist, has released a public statement announcing that she will be “stepping back” from political campaigning and resigning from all prominent political positions after admitting to non-consensual sex. Teriba released the…

Handling Adversity

I found this on the internet and thought I’d share: A young woman went to her grandmother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her – her husband had cheated on her and she…

Slavery By Another Name

I just finished this book. It’s amazing. One of the first books to open my eyes to the reality of our system of “corrections” was The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. Other books like Taken Into Custody by Stephen…

Dr. Wayne Dyer

   During my divorce, I tried various spiritual paths to deal with the incredible pain that accompanies a high conflict divorce with children. I followed the advice of a few key people and found that certain things resonated more than…

Who’s Lying, Who’s Self-Justifying? Origins of the He Said/She Said Gap in Sexual Allegations


The Woody Allen sex scandal of 2013 triggered a national conversation on who to believe, with people lining up on each side as if they knew what really happened. Based on recent research on how people navigate the often tricky waters of sexual negotiation, Dr. Carol Tavris shows that it is entirely possible in some sexual assault cases neither side is lying, but instead both sides feel justified in their positions. This talk was considered one of the best ever given at The Amazing Meeting.


What Makes a Woman?

The “I was born in the wrong body” rhetoric favored by other trans people doesn’t work any better and is just as offensive, reducing us to our collective breasts and vaginas. Imagine the reaction if a young white man suddenly…

Better or worse?

Honest questions: Many thought things were going to get better for people who looked like the brown skinned man and his even browner skinned wife now live in the White House.  Have things gotten better or is this more of…