Category: Society

Black Like Rachel Dolezal

“The “I was born in the wrong body” rhetoric favored by other trans people doesn’t work any better and is just as offensive, reducing us to our collective breasts and vaginas. Imagine the reaction if a young white man suddenly…

Title IX, the All-Purpose Leftist Excuse because It allows persecution of anyone who contravenes feminist doctrine.

An Excerpt from this article: If you are a dissenting professor or a male student in modern American higher education, there is a chance that you’ll be subjected to legal proceedings so bizarre, so opaque, and so unfair that you…

Why do high-profile campus rape stories keep falling apart?

An excerpt from this article in the Washington Post: At Slate, Emily Yoffe digs into the one of the poster cases for the anti-campus rape advocacy film “The Hunting Ground” and finds some devastating flaws in how the movie portrays…

Shooting from the Hip: Camille Paglia sends #feminists into a frenzy.

Camille Paglia is one truly interesting person. This in an excerpt from an old article, but a great read. Originally posted here: Paglia not only envies but reveres what she identifies as men’s naturally raucous sexuality. It is brutal…

Historian Says Don’t ‘Sanitize’ How Our Government Created Ghettos


Fifty years after the repeal of Jim Crow, many African-Americans still live in segregated ghettos in the country’s metropolitan areas. Richard Rothstein, a research associate at the Economic Policy Institute, has spent years studying the history of residential segregation in America.

“We have a myth today that the ghettos in metropolitan areas around the country are what the Supreme Court calls ‘de-facto’ — just the accident of the fact that people have not enough income to move into middle class neighborhoods or because real estate agents steered black and white families to different neighborhoods or because there was white flight,” Rothstein tells Fresh Air’s Terry Gross.

“It was not the unintended effect of benign policies,” he says. “It was an explicit, racially purposeful policy that was pursued at all levels of government, and that’s the reason we have these ghettos today and we are reaping the fruits of those policies.”

Listen to the Fresh Air interview here:


Can a woman rape a man?

Can a woman rape a man? It’s a subject we don’t hear in the news very often… or anywhere at all. Rape in any situation is hard to talk about. But female-on-male rape faces its own brand of trials and hardships. Skepticism, for one.

Today, we look at the problems of male survivors with female perpetrators. How do they deal with the aftermath of a trauma that some don’t even recognize as possible?
Reporter Theresa Phung has the story.

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‘My Name Is Jamaal … I’m White’

 Read the entire pice HERE: The question of someone’s name, particularly if it has ethnic overtones, can have real consequence. One study found that after responding to 1,300 classified ads, applicants with black-sounding names were 50 percent less likely to get…

Entitled Kids

  An excerpt from this article:  At my last job, there was a young woman who was interning with our station. She showed up to work one day wearing extremely short shorts and a halter top. To work. Our…

Female Masculinity

I’d love to sit down and have a discussion with the woman who designed this poster and put this up on a wall. I saw this poster on a corner in Brooklyn the other day and I am confused as to…


  Stop Equality-Mongering Before It Destroys Us Although the word is shouted far and wide, we seldom consider what we actually mean by equality. And what we usually And Excerpt from this article: It’s only been a few centuries since…

CNN’s New Rape Documentary Relies On Myths, Not Facts

   An excerpt from this article: “The Hunting Ground,” a newly released documentary about sexual assault on college campuses, is earning rave reviews, drawing the attention of D.C. lawmakers, and could even have an effect on the upcoming NFL draft. Though currently showing…

THE SEXODUS, PART 1: THE MEN GIVING UP ON WOMEN AND CHECKING OUT OF SOCIETY “My generation of boys is f**ked,” says Rupert, a young German video game enthusiast I’ve been getting to know over the past few months. “Marriage is dead. Divorce means you’re screwed for life. Women have given up on monogamy, which…