Tag: family court

Can a woman rape a man?

Can a woman rape a man? It’s a subject we don’t hear in the news very often… or anywhere at all. Rape in any situation is hard to talk about. But female-on-male rape faces its own brand of trials and hardships. Skepticism, for one.

Today, we look at the problems of male survivors with female perpetrators. How do they deal with the aftermath of a trauma that some don’t even recognize as possible?
Reporter Theresa Phung has the story.

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90% of men around the world say that their caring side is part of their masculinity and strength. Let’s acknowledge the caring side of men and celebrate their #RealStrength as a true sign of masculinity.dove

What do Booker T. Washington, Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Bill Cosby and this man have in common? “Responsi-damn-bility.”

I’ll tell you what Booker T. Washington, Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Bill Cosby, Frederick Wilson II and Clayton Craddock all have in common….the message of taking personal responsibility for your actions. Or, as my man in the video below said, “responsi-damn-bility.” I hope more people can hear this message, again, because it seems to have been repeated to the masses of black folks for well over 100 years.

We have to take care of our own people. The “Great Society” of LBJ has failed black people. Democrats seem to only want to keep us dependent on all levels of government so that they will vote for them and control us in perpetuity. Maybe the events in Ferguson are the start of another black awakening in America.

I feel it is time to reject the notion that you cannot compete with other people and need a handicap. We have to reject the pop culture of violence death and destruction. Reject the notion that we need a ” black leader” and start thinking for ourselves. Take control of your families and keep “family court” out of your lives at all costs. Speak proper English. Mothers and fathers keep your children by your side and raise them together in the same home. Be faithful to your spouse and reject any notion that the nuclear family is unimportant. Emulate the strong black men and women of generations in the past.

It is time to tell the story of the people who don’t follow the democratic talking points. We all don’t think alike and we want change from within.

Sometimes, we are our own worst enemy.

Take some “Responsi-damn-bility” and let’s make real progress. This is a great video and spot on:

The Brotherhood of the Stay-at-Home Dad

An excerpt from this article: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/16/fashion/the-brotherhood-of-the-stay-at-home-dad.html “Choo-choo-wa! Choo-choo-wa! Choo-choo-wa-wa-wah!” The words — the theme song of a children’s cartoon — were being bellowed by six grown men huddled on a makeshift stage in a hotel banquet room. The song leader,…

It’s Time To Push Back Against Feminist Bullies

An excerpt from this article: http://thefederalist.com/2014/11/17/its-time-to-push-back-against-feminist-bullies/ How many times have you heard the line that feminism is simply “the radical notion that women are people”? And when was the last time you thought that sentiment even remotely expressed whatever the h-e-double-hockey-sticks…

How Having a Son Changed Me

I think this woman is a fantastic example of what people are supposed to be – compassionate, of both sexes. This is a feminist mother who isn’t interested in pushing feminist dogma onto her son and training him to be what…


An excerpt from this article: http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/19448/ Examples of abuse listed on the University of Michigan’s domestic violence awareness website say “sexual violence” includes “withholding sex and affection” and “discounting the partner’s feelings regarding sex” – definitions that have come under fire…

Women against #WomenAgainstFeminism

An excerpt from this article: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-debate/women-against-womenagainstfeminism/article19970342/ Do we still need feminism? According to many younger women, we do not. For the past few weeks, a Tumblr hashtag campaign called #WomenAgainstFeminism has been stirring up a lot of angst in the Twitter/blogosphere.…

Dad’s Don’t Get Work-Life Balance Empathy

An excerpt from this article: http://www.timsackett.com/2014/08/08/dads-dont-get-work-life-balance-empathy/ Friends and colleagues often ask my wife how she balances her job and motherhood. Somehow, the same people don’t ask me.” When we talk about ‘inclusion’ we aren’t really talking about everyone. That’s the…

Judge Orders Deployed US Sailor To Attend Custody Hearing Or Lose Daughter, Face Arrest

Why would anyone be surprised by this?

This is a daily occurrence in mother court, I mean “family court.” I’m just happy this HORRIBLE place is being exposed on national TV.


A sailor serving underseas on a submarine is locked in a fight a world away to keep custody of his 6-year-old girl.

Navy submariner Matthew Hindes is stationed on a submarine in the Pacific. But he’s been ordered to appear in a Michigan courtroom Monday in a custody battle with his ex-wife Angela involving their daughter, Kaylee.

Hindes was given permanent custody of Kaylee in 2010, after she was reportedly removed from Angela’s home by child protective services. Kaylee has been living with Hindes’ wife Benita-Lynn — her step-mother — in Washington state while Hindes is deployed aboard a nuclear submarine in the Pacific Ocean.

Despite Hindes’ assignment, a judge has ordered Hindes to appear in court or face contempt.

Hindes’ lawyers argue he should be protected by the Service members Civil Relief Act, which states courts in custody cases may “grant a stay of proceedings for a minimum period of 90 days” to defendants serving their country.

The judge hearing the case, circuit court judge Margaret Noe, disagreed, adding, “If the child is not in the care and custody of the father, the child should be in the care and custody of the mother.”


Tip of the Week authored by Brett A. Sokolow, J.D., ATIXA Executive Director Okay, so I’m all fired up again. In the last two weeks, I’ve worked on five cases all involving drunken hook-ups on college campuses. In each case,…

Get Up, Stand Up!

BY MICHAEL COREN ,QMI AGENCY An excerpt from THIS article: http://www.torontosun.com/2014/05/08/its-time-to-stand-up-for-mens-rights What I encountered was evidence of a campaign to discredit men and a legal and sociological campaign to remove their rights as husbands and partners and, in particular, fathers. I’m…

Why the American Family-Court System is Broken

“To get divorced, you can’t just simply fill out a form that says ‘I’m divorced.’ You have to go to court and a judge has to approve the divorce,” says Divorce Corp’s Joe Sorge. “Breaking up is traumatic on its own, nevermind having to go to court and appear before a judge.”

Sorge argues that because the legal code to get a divorce is so complex, nearly all respective parties have to hire expensive lawyers and pay legal fees that make the average non-contested divorce cost between $10,000 and $20,000. A contested divorce can run well over $50,000.

“It’s the fourth most common cause of bankruptcy in the United States,” says Sorge.

Sorge sat down with Reason TV’s Tracy Oppenheimer to outline some of these institutional problems and possible resolutions that he addresses in his documentary and accompanying book, both titled Divorce Corp.

About 8 minutes.

Produced by Tracy Oppenheimer. Camera by Zach Weissmueller and Alexis Garcia.

Go to http://reason.com/reasontv/2014/04/23… for downloadable versions and subscribe to Reason TV’s YouTube Channel for notifications when new material goes live.