Tag: father

Get Up, Stand Up!

BY MICHAEL COREN ,QMI AGENCY An excerpt from THIS article: http://www.torontosun.com/2014/05/08/its-time-to-stand-up-for-mens-rights What I encountered was evidence of a campaign to discredit men and a legal and sociological campaign to remove their rights as husbands and partners and, in particular, fathers. I’m…

Why the American Family-Court System is Broken

“To get divorced, you can’t just simply fill out a form that says ‘I’m divorced.’ You have to go to court and a judge has to approve the divorce,” says Divorce Corp’s Joe Sorge. “Breaking up is traumatic on its own, nevermind having to go to court and appear before a judge.”

Sorge argues that because the legal code to get a divorce is so complex, nearly all respective parties have to hire expensive lawyers and pay legal fees that make the average non-contested divorce cost between $10,000 and $20,000. A contested divorce can run well over $50,000.

“It’s the fourth most common cause of bankruptcy in the United States,” says Sorge.

Sorge sat down with Reason TV’s Tracy Oppenheimer to outline some of these institutional problems and possible resolutions that he addresses in his documentary and accompanying book, both titled Divorce Corp.

About 8 minutes.

Produced by Tracy Oppenheimer. Camera by Zach Weissmueller and Alexis Garcia.

Go to http://reason.com/reasontv/2014/04/23… for downloadable versions and subscribe to Reason TV’s YouTube Channel for notifications when new material goes live.


A growing number of children are being raised without the benefit of meaningful engagement with both parents. As contemporary research conclusively demonstrates, a child who effectively loses one of his or her parents through a custody decision, usually the father,…

Standoffs and Tantrums | Ep. 2 | Fatherhood

Hank Azaria discovers parenting is not for the faint-hearted as he navigates the terrible three’s.

About ‘Fatherhood’: Hank Azaria’s touching, humorous, and often enlightening journey from a man who is not even sure he wants to have kids, to a father going through the joys, trials and tribulations of being a dad.

Hank Azaria, Kevin Bacon and Bryan Cranston on fatherhood

Celebrity dads including Kevin Bacon, Bryan Cranston and Mike Myers open up to Hank Azaria as he quizzes them about fatherhood in this candid documentary series.

It’s not often you’ll see Hollywood personalities speaking so openly and honestly about such an intimate subject, but Hank ‘s frank questioning encourages his friends to speak from the heart.

Hank is best known for his work on The Simpsons. He provides the voices for Moe, Apu, Chief Wiggum and Comic Book Guy.

Although his work is loved by children the world over, Hank had never seen the appeal of having kids of his own. He’d reached an age when many of his friends had started families and so he set out to make a documentary about what makes someone want to be a father.

But in the process of filming Hank’s girlfriend discovers she is pregnant causing Hank to rethink the documentary and turn it into a very personal and touching record of his journey into fatherhood, as he seeks advice from his famous friends.

Stop being ashamed of being men

By Rick Johnson Better Dads Ministry, Roseberg Oregon From this article: http://oregonfaithreport.com/2014/01/the-war-on-men/ Guys, we need to stop being ashamed of being men. Virtually every behavior that is natural to a man is now being criticized and we are made to feel…

How Your Dad Determines Your Adult Relationships with Men

Father matter…for boys AND for girls. An excerpt from this article: http://www.itscheating.com/relationships/how-your-dad-determines-your-adult-relationships-with-men/ Psychologists traditionally focus on the mother/child relationships and mostly ignore fathers, especially the father/daughter relationship. However, new research is increasingly concluding that fathers greatly influence their daughter’s self-esteem,…

Divorce Corp Reviews…so far

“Any divorce survivor will see rueful reminders of a destructive process. Any engaged couple should see it, period….” – Colin Covert Minneapolis Star Tribune

“Documentary tackles the divorce industry with the same zeal as the lawyers it rebukes….” – Eric Monder  Film Journal International

“Infuriating, but lacking the balance to be the take-down of a corrupt system that it claims to be….” – Roger Moore McClatchy-Tribune News Service

“After you see this entertaining documentary, you will be depressed about the U.S. divorce industry and may vow never to get married or have kids…” – Harvey S. Karten Compuserve

“The feel good movie of the year!!!” – Clayton Craddock The SoCraddock Method



Deadbeat Parents? State-Mandated Child Support Hurts The Ones It’s Supposed To Help

An excerpt from this article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ellen-kellner/deadbeat-parents-stateman_b_2839817.html By Ellen Kellner – Mindful thinker and author of ‘The Pro Child Way®: Parenting with an Ex’ Divorce attorneys are familiar with the child-support focus of their clients. “It’s the elephant in the room”, says one Palm Springs attorney who is…

Dr. Drew on Divorce Corp

You guys have NO idea what is going on in family court…or maybe you do… and want the gravy train to continue. I don’t. I know through personal experience the amount of devastation that divorce industry, the federal/state child support…