Tag: domestic violence

Why Feminism Is NOT ‘The Fight for Equal Rights’

An excerpt from this article: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/chris-good/feminism-equal-rights_b_6111752.html By Chris Good – Writer, Blogger, Musician, habitual Tinderer and coffee addict. Is feminism fighting for equality? With respect, no, it isn’t. Here’s why. The fight for ‘equality’ of the first two waves of feminism fought to…

Male victims of domestic violence still under reported

  An excerpt from this article: http://www.portagedailygraphic.com/2013/11/25/awareness-of-men-and-domestic-violence-still-under-reported While most people are aware of the abuse some women face in domestic violence situations, perhaps not as well known is that men also experience this form of abuse. Since Portage la Prairie’s Real…

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Here is a quote from an interesting article: “Men and women are, in fact, equally likely to be survivors of emotional abuse.” “For male victims, the tendency of our culture to downplay emotional abuse as merely a “bad relationship” comes…

Women Can Be Abusers Too

“Things started out pretty good the first couple of years.  Then, she slowly changed.  She always had a temper, but then we got into some money problems, and it got worse.  She would get mad, and it would escalate all out of proportion.  She’d…

Domestic Violence Against MEN?

Is she always blaming you for problems in your relationship? Do your conflicts really ever get resolved? Is she always controlling the relationship or you? Are you constantly confused or insecure about where the relationship is going? Does she run…